Message from the Founder & Executive Director

The “Etinan Children’s Education Foundation, Inc. (ECEF)” is registered and incorporated in Nigeria with the Nigerian Corporate Affairs Commission as a Non-Profit Organization – Registration #165570.

It is registered and incorporated in the United States as “Etinan Children’s Scholarship Foundation, Inc (ECSF)” – a Non-Profit Organization (Under section501 (c) (3) of the Internal Service Code), Federal ID #85-1537388.


The Etinan Children’s Education Foundation, Inc. (formerly known as Dr. Ibokette’s Scholarship Foundation)
was launched in August 2017. Its central goal has been to provide various forms of assistance to a group of indi- gent and orphaned children (currently ages nine to 13) in Etinan, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. Through this assis- tance, the Foundation has been working to alleviate the various challenges and hardships that these children
(popularly known as “scholars”) and their guardians face. We were very successful in meeting this initial goal
from 2017 through the early 2019. By the spring of 2019 we became more conscious of the multi-faceted nature
of the scholars’ challenges. This awareness necessitated the re-evaluation, reprioritizing and broadening of the
Foundation’s core mission. We therefore began to focus more specifically on four key forms of assistance to these
scholars, namely: medical (including dental); nutrition; clothing; and school-based needs.

Thanks to the financial support, and fundraising skills of the Newton North High School community, friends,
Etinan community stakeholders (at home and in the diaspora), colleagues, medical professionals, and my family
members, the Foundation very successfully made the necessary adjustments and continues to achieve many of
its goals. Since the mid-2019, for example, all scholars have been receiving regular high level professional and
comprehensive medical and dental examinations and treatments (including surgeries and other medical pro- cedures). Secondly, we set up a regular feeding program through which the scholars have nutritious lunches on
school days. The Foundation also gives them various items of clothing (including school uniforms, footwear, and
Christmas outfits), school and dental supplies.

From mid-2019, for example, all Scholars have been receiving high-level professional and comprehensive medical and dental examinations and treatments (including surgeries and other medical procedures) and ongoing access to preventive medical services. Secondly, we set up a regular feeding program through which the scholars continue to have three nutritious meals a week. The Foundation has also been giving them various items of clothing (including school uniforms, footwear, and Christmas outfits), school supplies (including backpacks), and dental supplies.

For the scholars, the highlight of the Foundation’s activities continues to be the three-week Academic Enrich- ment Program (AEP) during long vacations. This program includes academic sessions, recreational activities, and
breakfasts and lunches. It also includes two 16-mile field trips in a “luxury” bus to Uyo, Akwa Ibom State capi- tal for medical and dental checkups and care. After each healthcare trip, we head to Kilimanjaro Restaurant, a
popular fast-food restaurant where the scholars have lunch and spend time at the play station or window shop at
Tropical Mall.

Recent Developments:

First, while the Foundation is still recovering from some of the long-term negative financial impact of the
Covid-19 pandemic, we have been able to continue to provide the scholars with basic needs and, more specifical- ly, provide them effective academic support and guidance. The first cohort of eight scholars from the Foundation,
2017 to 2023, graduated from elementary school this past August. Seven of them are currently in junior secondary
school (middle school) while one is in a trade school.

Looking Ahead:

Second, the Foundation has also expanded its educational focus to include the Newton North International
Service Trip to Nigeria (NNISTN). In the fall of 2021, the Newton Public School District (Newton, Massachusetts,
USA) accepted the Foundation’s proposal to authorize Newton North High School students to travel with me
to Etinan, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria to assist me in the Foundation’s Academic Enrichment Program (AEP)
during their summer vacations. Participants in the trip are also to visit and have an audience with traditional and
political stakeholders in Etinan and neighboring villages and towns, as well as provide some community services
such as dispensing over-the-counter reading glasses that the Foundation procures for the elderly.

The overall outcomes of this program have been that student-participants in the 2022 and 2023 trips experienced
authentic cultural immersion in the context of the dynamics of a socio-cultural environment and pattern of
life that are markedly different from theirs. Moreover, the NNISTN program’s focus on hands-on strategies for
leadership, mentorship and community service provides participants with unique educational and emotional
growth opportunities. In turn, participants also provide essential services to the Etinan community and, more
specifically, make essential, innumerable, and memorable contributions to the young scholars’ academic, social
and emotional growth. These have been very symbiotic real-life and hands-on processes, experiences, and

Third, in September 2022, the Foundation also secured a partnership with the Ministry of Education, Akwa
Ibom State. The central objective of this novel partnership is to transform Government Primary School Ikot Ebo,
Etinan LG, into a top-tier model primary school. As a “model”, the quality of education that pupils will receive in
the sch0ool will match and perhaps surpass what many first-tier private schools in the state and country provide
for their pupils.

This process of transformation began in early 2023 when the Foundation successfully secured the perimeters
of the school with a ten-feet high concrete fence (topped with barbed wire), a manned security post, a brand
new frontage and entrace. It also renovated and electrified the administrative building. Re-named “Model
Government/ECEF School’’, the school has seen an increase in student enrolment and a significant decrease in
student absenteeism.

While the Foundation will continue to focus on its original and core goal of providing its scholars their basic
needs, it will also work to bolster its recent “model” school-wide initiatives. Beginning from February 2024, for
example, the Foundation will launch an intensive teacher retraining program with a focus on the Psychology of
Education, pedagogy and computer literacy. It will also explore the possibility of introducing some components
of Special Education into the Model School’s curriculum.

Overall, the Foundation made significant progress, undertook new initiatives and met a lot of its goals in 2023.
These accomplishments, as in previous years, were possible because of the generosity and support of many
kind-hearted individuals and groups. These include the Newton North High School community, friends,
Etinan community stakeholders (at home and in the diaspora), colleagues, medical professionals, various
organizations and my family members.

Thank you all for your continuous commitment to the Foundation’s goal of nurturing the bodies and minds of
the future generation. It certainly takes a village to raise a child and I look forward to your continuous support
in 2024.

For questions and other inquiries, please contact me at

Thank you for your continuous assistance and support.

Isongesit Ibokette (Ph.D.)

(Founder and Director, ECSF & ECEF, Inc)